Data hunt

Not enough data ?

Meetrisk allow datascience and underwriting teams to complete their database thanks to the exploitation of external data

Meetrisk hunt data that allow to enrich knowledge (financial data, managerial, activity, ESG, etc..) and assets (vessels, commodities,storages..) 

From aggregated external data to internal data, we will strengthen your intuitions and unveil weak signals of risks.

Company characteristics
Public Data
Financial Data
Environment Data
Managerial Data
ESG Data
Fleet Data

Meetrisk's solutions allow you to :

  1. Obtain quality data, verified, prepared and tailored for your needs
  2. Correlate external and internal data
  3. Automatize the alimentation of your datawarehouse

Complete key info of clients' fleets

Enrich key info regarding clients’ fleets with abondant and accessible external data. Thus, combining them with claim data in order to get a more refined overview of risks

Want to know more ?

Contact us : with only a sample, we will be able to identify all the value that Meetrisk can bring you