Marine Risk Screening Tool

A Saas platform connected with global data sources,
supported by data science that provides a Risk Rating and Carbon Rating for
vessels, fleets, and portfolios.

 Ratings are detailed with a risk radar and explicit explanations.

Meetrisk for a more sustainable profitable efficient marine insurance

Our value proposition

  • Being the external data scientist of the marine insurance, we provide objective risk indicators supporting risk selection and risk pricing.

  • Besides the risk rating, we contribute to the decarbonation stakes by calculating the official International Marine Organisation (IMO) indicator.

Our offers : Risk Rating

Using the data of the vessels: connected with the most relevant and accurate vessel database. We pay special intentions to port state controls inspections and casualties with state-of-the-art natural language processing and keywords analysis. 

Our algorithms : using machine learning, we correlate vessels data with our incidents data to provide a risk rating. 

Our offers : Carbon Rating

Meetrisk automatically calculates the Carbon Intensity Index (CII), the official “International Maritime Organisation” indicator for measuring the vessels decarbonation: with Machine Learning, we extrapolate the carbon emission of each vessel, necessary to calculate this CII

Our differentiating strengths

1/ The strong accuracy of our rating :

Among the different Marine risk ratings available on the market, the accuracy of the Meetrisk Marine rating is validated by the correlation between the vessel’s characteristics and our own Marine incidents database.


2/ The explainability of the Meetrisk rating : no black boxes 

In order to comply with the necessity of the underwriter to understand the risk analysis, the Meetrisk tool provides automatically the explanation of the rating with fine details regarding deficiencies, alerts, casualties history…


3/ Our data and tech solution encompass underwriting and risk consulting experience

       We combine both human expertise and Data Science leverages :

  • The algorithm is continuously fine-tuned with our senior advisors (strong experienced marine consultants and hull underwriters).

  • Features are enriched with the feedbacks of our User’s Club, current underwriters


4/ The capacity to steer the loss ratio:

Besides the correlation between Vessels data and our own incidents’ database, we have the ability to correlate vessels data with your insurance losses database, leverage for steering the loss ratio.


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